Jun 2024  -  Monthnote - 5 mins to read



As I write, I’m 24 hours away from launching a new flexible way of working for one of my clients. It’s been a big push to get it here. I’ve designed Team Discussion guides and template Team Agreement / Ways of Working Canvases, and facilitated the Exec team to reach their own Team Agreement. We’re also publishing it for the rest of the company to read: I love how open they are to working in the open.

Some Internal Communications Strategy pieces too this month. I have my templates of course, but it always surprises me how bespoke they end up. That said, this was for the most complex matrixed business I’ve ever worked with, so off the shelf was never going to cut it.

Lots more coaching this month, a couple of new coaching clients, a 360 feedback coaching programme, and some testimonials I was pleased as punch to read.

Helen, you’ve been amazing! I can’t thank you enough for coaching me through a real turning point in my life and career. I’ve really appreciated your gentle approach and felt throughout that you genuinely cared about me. You gave me space to come up with my own solutions, while also recognising that I needed a bit of structure to help me work through my thoughts and priorities. I’ve learnt so much about myself and what I want from life, it’s been a completely transformative experience. And I can’t wait to start the new role I secured whilst working with you. Thank you!

Head of Communications

A lovely mention on LinkedIn too from Jim Godfrey, with some client feedback. I’ve loved being part of his team of coaches this year.

Other work stuff:
Migrated my emails over to Microsoft to try and bring some order to my just-about-manageable tech mayhem. When you run your own business you really miss those wonderful, patient people in IT support. It’s been a massive energy drain, I won’t lie. It’s sort of 90% working.


Did two fast and fabulous training sessions with Kirsty Lewis at the School of Facilitation, and a thought-provoking taster session with Julia Slay at Facilitation 101. Together, they’ve filled me with new ideas and inclusive practices for working with groups.

Favourite, and slightly frivolous tip from Kirsty: wear lipstick when facilitating virtually as it helps lip readers understand you better (and, I think, shows you think your participants are worth it).


I’ve been amazed at the stonking progress Smartphone Free Childhood have made in a few short months. We are starting to see cultural norms shift around giving children smartphones. Read about St Albans becoming the first UK city to go smartphone-free for under 14 year olds (The Guardian). I’m working with my daughter’s Headteacher to deliver a parent forum on the topic. (There are dysfunctional executive teams I’d find less intimidating than the school-gate parents audience).

I helped on the school trip to Royal Victoria Country Park, with 90 six and seven year olds. I’m the link governor for History so it was good to relearn about Florence Nightingale’s persistence in the face of being told to go home by men who thought they knew better. There’s such an appealing and enduring simplicity in historical stories told to 7 year olds – stripped right back to the most important events, messages and morals. I also learned that I am much better suited to helping the school in ways that don’t involve confined spaces with 50 young children (I’ve been to quieter Muse gigs than that coach journey).


I’m preparing to facilitate a two-day strategy offsite for the exec team of one of my clients, so I’m enjoying genning up on new and different ways to approach these enormous investments of time and money. Highlight so far: Your PowerPoint Deck Is Not A Strategy from The Ready.


I read (listened to) Jonathan Haidt’s Anxious Generation. It was compelling, appalling at times, but ultimately, hopeful. I’d recommend it to any parent, whether they have phones in the house already or not. He recommends new norms that will improve the mental health of our children for the long term.

For Strategy, I’m digging into old favourites Brave New Work, and a new acquisition: Every Team Actually Doing Business Better from the people behind Business Four Zero.

Also, Richard Osman’s Last Devil to Die. As funny, comforting, thrilling and endearing as his others. So good I bought the whole set from Wob and gave them to my mum. I do love a second hand book.


Shooed the family out of the house and welcomed seven wonderful women for a weekend, all turning 40 this year, who I’ve known since I was 16. Wonderful.

We’re into summer term at school, and so it feels like daily trips to school for sports days / special assemblies / transition meetings etc. I’m thankful that for the most part, I can be flexible to be there.

Managed to avoid injuries in netball for another month, and really enjoying the free unleashing of my competitive side, which is usually kept well under wraps (or so I think).

Got the healthcare we needed (like Rishi: privately unfortunately… but fortunately for us). Which has been lots of admin, but quietly, a little bit life-changing.