Jun 2024  -  Monthnote - 5 mins to read



How is it the end of June already? Super busy month where I’ve felt like every 15 minute slot has been claimed. Deep breath; it’s going to be this way until I go away in August. 


Started working with a new client, coaching their comms manager and getting excited about a pragmatic and ambitious internal communications strategy that cuts through and reaches their complex and hard-to-reach workforce.

Worked with an Executive team to determine what a good strategy day (and a good strategy) looks like, so that I can facilitate it for them in July. Turns out good isn’t “a long session of intellectual masturbation”. I won’t be running an offsite like that! 🤢

Launched the flexible working approach for a client after a two-month sprint on it to get it right. Behaviour change takes time but we’ve supported it with guidance, nudges and role modelling, and launched it as an “experiment”. It’s gone down very well so far, we’re seeing an uptick in Peakon scores around flexibility already.

A new intro to an exciting company which may or may not turn into something. Thinking about ways to scale up to be in a position to say “yes” if that becomes an option.


Lots of coaching sessions with an incredibly diverse group of people across different continents. I delivered a 360 feedback report to a senior leader in a biotech business. I always deliver it with a health warning – I know much of the research demonstrates that 360s are a flawed process (because humans are flawed). However, in my experience, they can also be extremely useful. I tend to talk about feedback being representative of people’s perceptions about us, not an accurate description of reality. So the question is not is the feedback true, but, what are you going to do, now you have new information about how people perceive you?

Finished a coaching programme with another client. The last session is always bittersweet – a great time to reflect and celebrate progress but an ending and parting of the ways also. Doing more of these has taught me to be much more skilful in other life endings, too. 


No training this month. But I’m off to the Do Lectures next week – which will deserve a post in its own right. Equal parts excited, nervous and curious. 


I volunteered at the school fete, running a ‘crack the box’ game. 50p to try to crack the 3 number padlock on the box, if you get it right you get to keep the overpriced cuddly toy inside. I experienced a range of emotions when I discovered how the game worked – notably guilt of taking 50p off children for a seemingly impossible game with a 1 in 1,000 chance. However, I was proved wrong, one boy cracked it within half an hour (after 5 tries, that is).  


Discovered HBR’s Coaching Real Leaders which is a joy – listening into a real coaching session allows me to learn from other coaches in a way that is hard to access after you’ve finished formal training.  


I’ve been too tired to read much nonfiction this month. I did finish my last guilty pleasure – Katherine Rundell’s the Girl Savage – which was a simple and classic tale of persistence against the odds and belonging. Back to grown up books in July.


Voted! By post – because I’ll be on the way to Wales on July 4th. I have found the debates hard to watch. As someone who defaults to harmoniser, I have however learned to appreciate and use conflict when it can be constructive and helpful for the work. But the endless bickering has led me to switch off a number of times.

Lots of school meetings – and two sports days, at which I was irrationally excited about my progeny’s sporting prowess (definitely not my genes). Also extra transition meetings to support my son’s move from infant school to junior school. Optimistic about it so far. 

Celebrated my Big Birthday with two nights away on Dartmoor with husband and no children. Bliss. Enjoyed a tour and tasting at the Swanaford Estate vineyard, which makes excellent white and sparkling wine. Took a few bottles home, naturally. Two days’ uninterrupted thinking allowed both of us to make some breakthroughs about what we want to do with our businesses next. Exciting!